Tiffany Loves Cock

Story Time with Mistress DeMilo, Tiffany Loves Cock. A sexist, chauvinist, asshole has pissed off the wrong girl, me.  I happen to have a erotic trance ring that allows me to wish revenge upon those that have slighted me. I make that asshole into a beautiful bimbo girl who’s forced to act and behave like a wanton slut. Hating it the whole time. He’s completely heterosexual, but trapped in the body of a gorgeous girl and forced to act like one, due to the magic powers of my trance ring.
Includes: humiliation, forcedfem, transformation, oral servitude, forcedbi, magic control, female dominance, bimbo, slut training
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Length : 22 mins, 05 secs
File Format : .mp3
Price: U.S. $25.00