ABDL Hypnosis

ABDL Hypnosis Mistress jenny DeMilo surrounded by bees in front of a hypnosis spiralABDL Hypnosis

Adult Baby Diaper Lover Hypnosis for all the little’s and ABDL lovers out there. Our sister site Tiny Beehive is a safe space to explore the magic of childhood and the niche world of ABDL hypnosis. There are many recordings to chose from to suit everyone’s taste and desires.  Also available are bedtime stories and classic tales narrated by yours truly. You can also order custom recordings though Tiny Beehive to get the exact hypnosis recording just the way  you want it.

Welcome to the Magical Land of Time Travel

Are you ready for an extraordinary adventure? Step into our whimsical world and prepare to embark on an enchanting journey of age regression and ABDL conditioning through hypnosis. Get ready to discover the magic of childhood all over again!

At Tiny Beehive we specialize in helping curious adventurers like you unlock the incredible powers of their imagination. Through the power of hypnosis, we’ll take you on an incredible trip back in time, where you can relive the joy, wonder, and innocence of your early years. Whether you’re looking to recapture the joy of childhood or simply want to explore a different state of mind, our expertly crafted  sessions are designed to spark laughter, creativity, and a sense of pure wonder. Get ready to giggle, play, and let your imagination run wild!

If you are looking for traditional femdom hypnosis make sure to look over the full catalog of over 500 recordings. There truly is something for everyone.

Remember, with the power of hypnosis, anything is possible!

See the full catalog of ABDL Hypnosis recordings offered on Tiny Beehive

Web banner for ABDL hypnosis with a baby bee