The Daily Affirmation Project Nine Mp3s

All nine affirmation mp3s! Small batch, limited edition recordings that were sold only to 10 customers as individual mp3 affirmation sessions. Now they are available as a full set only. The only way you can get any of these recordings is by buying the full set of nine daily affirmation recordings. Amazing, intense and very directed femdom hypnosis affirmation recordings to enhance your trance state and solidify your desires. These limited edition recordings all include deep implantation of reactive thoughts, triggers, and hypnotic suggestions.

Shrinking Cock Daily Affirmations
Train your cock to shrink and fade away. Transformed into what it needs to be which is nothing but a nub. Repetitive cock shrinking affirmations to reinforce and train you to accept your cock shrinking away. Getting smaller and smaller every single day.

Nympho Daily Affirmations
Affirmations to train you your increasing sex drive. Confirm that you are a slut who needs to fuck all the time. Accept and trained to be a total nympho whore, who never gets enough. Reinforce your inner slut.

Porn Addiction Daily Affirmations
Daily affirmations to be listened to every day to increase your ever growing porn addiction. A porn addiction so strong it takes over your life. Making it hard for you to concentrate on normal things when you must always be jerking off to porn, thinking about porn and looking for more time to watch porn. 

Grow Big Tits Daily Affirmations
Trained to grow sexy, bouncy, tits, Beautiful full tits that keep growing. Repetitive, beautiful, bouncy tit affirmations to help reinforce and train you to accept your womanly shape. Grow beautiful, bouncy tits.

Beautiful Tits Daily Affirmations
Affirmations to be listened to every day to enhance and train you to accept that your tits are beautiful. Repetitive beautiful bouncy tit affirming affirmations to reinforce  you to accept your womanly, beautiful, bouncy tits.

Limp Dick Daily Affirmations
Daily affirmations to be listened to and train you to accept that your dick is non functioning. Repetitive limp dick and loss of cock control affirmations, help reinforce and train your dick into failure and non function. Trained to accept your loss of cock control and limp useless dick.

Big Cock Daily Affirmations
Affirmations to enhance and train you to grow your cock big and strong. Repetitive cock engorging  affirmations to train your body to grow your cock. Have your body controlled to accept your increase in cock size, as it gets bigger and bigger by the power of your mind.

Feminine Energy Daily Affirmations
Enhance and trained to accept and expand your feminine energy. Repetitive feminine energy  affirmations to reinforce and transform you. Trained to accept your drive to be more female.  If you are just starting your journey this recording will help you to get centered and accept of your new life, new place and new tasks.

Love To Suck Cock Daily Affirmations
Affirmations to train you to accept that you need to suck cock, a lot of cock. Repetitive cock sucking and oral servitude affirmations to reinforce and train you to love a hard cock in your dirty mouth. Trained to accept your drive to suck cock.

9 Mp3s
File Format : .zip
Price: U.S. $199.00

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